Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Limited to anything I could prepare on my own as a fourth grader -- cinnamon raisin bagels, cereal, Eggo waffles, macaroni and cheese, microwavable soup, bowl of ice-cream, etc.


I dreamt about our baby for the first time on Sunday. She was clean and smiling, sitting on my brothers lap. I picked her up to feed her, glancing in the mirror as we walked by, then sat in the white chair by the window -- in the Norwell house, of course, where all my dreams take place.

I've loved her -- or him, more since then, been happier to bear the aches and inconveniences of pregnancy.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Dreaming through this flickr account, appreciating film photography and great taste. So good.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Freedom in simplicity

It's interesting to experience pregnancy & anticipate motherhood through the lens of recently returning from our three-month internship in Mozambique. I'm grateful -- I feel grounded and free in an understanding of basic needs and unnecessary accessories. I'm full of hope.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Nine weeks

On Monday, our doctor Tina introduced us to parenthood with some blue gel and an ultrasound wand. Legs, arms, a perfect round forehead -- we watched the small screen with wide eyes and dumb, drooling, awe-struck smiles. Completely bizarre and wonderful, fantastically empowering and tenderly humbling.

Monday, September 8, 2014

The moment

"I can’t prove it, but I feel that the collapse of the public/private distinction has dialed down our capacity for empathy. Real empathy requires a private, intimate space, and of course, a time when you’re not on Facebook. Last Saturday, my 3-year-old daughter fell asleep in her Sabbath finery after a spirited trip to the park, and it was one of those perfect moments. I gazed at her sweet slumber on the couch, and I sighed to my husband, “The Shabbos photos you can’t take are always the best ones.” (As Jews who observe the restrictions of the Sabbath, we don’t take photos on this day.) Then I realized, maybe it’s not that Sabbath photos are better in any objective way, but since I couldn’t immediately reach for my phone and capture the picture, I had no alternative than to be in the moment and drink it all in: her little chest rising and falling, her fancy dress artfully decorated with grass stains and crumb cake. What was she dreaming about? I was able to notice things and really throw myself into the moment in a way I never would have, had I rushed for my camera as usual."

"The Private Selfie", Wendy Shalit